Following negotiations between the NTF and NARS, the terms of the memorandum of agreement from 1st April 2024 have been agreed.
Key points:
The minimum wage for employees without accommodation is in most cases being increased by 10%, to reflect the significant increases in the National Minimum Wage and maintain a differential for senior staff.
The minimum wage for employees with accommodation is increasing in line with the National Minimum Wage. The accommodation offset rate set by the Government is increasing from a daily rate of £9.10 to £9.99, the new weekly rate being £69.93 (from £63.70).
Time away racing will increase to £11.44, the Government National Living Wage.
Please note that if you are already receiving a wage in excess of the minimums, it is at your employer’s discretion whether to maintain existing differentials.
There is one change to the allowances, with the rate for the first two weeks abroad increasing to £53.20 per day (£28.30 of which can be paid tax-free). This is the first change to this rate since 2020.
In addition, staff who work a ‘one weekend in two’ rota who go racing on a Sunday when they would not otherwise have been at work must be allowed to take their paid compensatory lieu day within 7 days.
Memorandum of Agreement 01 April 2024 here.