As from ??? ???? ????, we feel we can operate a safe environment and put social distance rules in place thanks to being a large spacious outdoor venue. Therefore as of today and in light of Government advice, our equine facilities are now open for external bookings.
- There will be a strict 30-minute gap between bookings. This will give clients a chance to end their session, load, and leave the site promptly.
- If there are other visitors in the car park, horseboxes/trailers are to be parked 5-metres apart.
- Clients are to observe social distancing at all times, and if they come across NHC staff members they are to remain 2-metres away from them.
- All horses must have a valid 12-month vaccination, spot checks will be carried out throughout each day.
- The Government announced that from the 1st June, personal training or coaching would be permitted outside and if people remained 2-metres apart. This means that group lessons/clinics of up to 5 people from separate households, plus 1 coach can run on our round gallops. THE COACH IS TO MAKE THE BOOKING.
- If you bring another member of your family to help with your horse, they must stay in the vehicle once ready.
- We have ample parking to comply with COVID-19 social distancing rules. However, horses are NOT to be left tied up outside the vehicle.
- Toilets will be open but are only to be used if absolutely necessary.
- We will ensure extra cleaning of hard surfaces that might be touched by users.
- Anyone who is symptomatic or suspects they have been exposed to the virus is not to travel to the NHC, they are to remain at home.
All hires will be pre-booked and paid for over the telephone so there will be no contact on-site at all. Bookings can be made by calling (07392) 085785 Monday – Friday 9.00am until 3.00pm – this is the only number bookings will be taken on.
Please be aware that we will always adhere to Government advice, and therefore the criteria above may be subject to change.