Equine Studies Lecturer (DEC)
Jo is qualified BHSAI and is working towards the Level 3 Assessment Qualification.
Jo started working at the National Horseracing College (NHC) in March 2022 as a Training Instructor, and not having come from a racing background she found the content of the course exciting and fast paced. In November 2023 Jo moved to Doncaster Equine College (DEC) as Equine Studies Lecturer, leading the Level One Horse Care Diploma. This utilises her BHS qualification to deliver quality instruction to students interested in a wider range of equestrian pursuits.
Prior to joining the NHC/DEC, Jo ran her own Show Centre and Livery Yard business in Berkshire for 15 years. It was an extremely busy and thriving business. In addition to managing the Livery yard, Jo taught dressage and jumping clinics, and organised regular open shows. She is very proud of this achievement, although hadn’t realised the intensity of the workload and doesn’t remember having a lunchbreak most days, let alone a rare day off! She uses her experience of the industry to help shape her learners understanding, and shares tips on how to succeed.
Jo is an Advanced dressage rider and has successfully trained her own horse Jamboree up through the levels. The highlight being when they competed in the British Dressage National Championship at Hartbury, in the Advanced Medium section. Jo and Jammie came 12th out of 34, and were thrilled. 12th in the country isn’t bad after all! Jammie is now 19 and taking life a little easier but he still adores his training and is healthy and happy.
Jo has coached riders for 35 years and has run classroom-based horse ownership lectures in evenings. Jo has also worked as retail manager in a Tack Shop, Head girl at an Eventing yard, and ridden/groomed for several prestigious dressage riders. “It was a lot of fun, but frequently involved moving around the country and after a few years decided to settle in one place and start a business.”
Jo’s hobbies include Archery, Crafting, and Sewing. She also enjoys walks with her Border terrier Barnaby.
It’s is sometimes a challenging role working with teenagers and horses but Jo says it makes her very proud to be coaching our future equestrians. Who knows, we may have a future Olympian in the wings.
Email: J.Wrighton@theNHC.co.uk